
A.2 - The Support Scope

The Support Scope governs all routine aspects of ecosystem support, including governance process infrastructure and management, Star support and Ecosystem Actor support.
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This Article defines infrastructure and processes to support resilience research and legal preparedness.
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The Support Scope is responsible for conducting ongoing resilience and preparedness research.
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Resilience Research and Preparedness (also “Resilience Research”) projects must fulfill at least one of the following objectives:• Bootstrap necessary infrastructure to develop one of the high-order legal resilience objectives as defined in this Article: ◦ Legal Defense ◦ Legal Risk Management ◦ Privacy and Operational Security ◦ Advocacy and Public Policy ◦ Legal and Regulatory Risk Monitoring ◦ Public Procurement Framework ◦ Atlas Amendment and Audit ◦ Technical and Legal Standards• Design and implement processes that contribute directly to one of the high-order legal resilience objectives defined in this Article.• Implement specific preventive or reactive legal risk mitigation tools.• Execute specific activities or tasks necessary to fulfill one of the high-order legal resilience objectives defined in this Article.